Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona. Volume 2 (1992) Pages: 13-44

La primera cartografia geològica subvencionada per una institució catalana (1869-1870)

Aragonès i Valls, E.




First geological cartography subsidized by a Catalonian institution (1869-1870)

The history of the first geological map sponsored by a Catalonian institution is studied. It was the Diputacion Provincial from Barcelona who gave economic support to the geologic works of a French engineer, Hyacinthe de Moulin, between 1869 and 1870. Unfortunately, this geologist died young, leaving his work unfinished and several papers and maps which still remain unpublished. The attempt, howewer, was very important for further Catalonian geology development, because it makes possible a second attempt in geological cartography of Barcelona province by Almera and Bofill (1884-1914), who yielded fine maps to 1:40.000; afterwards the Geological Map of Catalonia Survey (1915-1924) which start the 1:100.000 map of Catalonia, and later the Instituto Geológico de la Diputación (from 1927 to sixties), who has worked in 1:50.000 map. At present, from 1979, a new Catalonian Geological Survey continues the way that began with Moulin’s geological works.


History of geology, XIX century, geologic cartography, Barcelona province, Spain


Aragonès i Valls, E., 1992. La primera cartografia geològica subvencionada per una institució catalana (1869-1870). Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona, 2: 13-44

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