Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona. Volume 15 (2007) Pages: 65-80

Deducción de un accidente tectónico anterior al Senoniense en la clusa de Les Conclues (Sierras marginales sudpirenaicas, Huesca-Lleida, España)

Ullastre, J., Masriera, A.




Deduction of a tectonic phase prior to the Senonian in Les Conclues gap (South-Pyrenean marginal ranges, Huesca – Lleida, Spain)

The discovery of a tectonic phase prior to the Santonian in the Sierras marginales (S of the Montsec, Central South-Pyrenean Unit) satisfactorily accounts for the juxtaposition in this region of a compartment to the N, that has a very complete
Jurassic (Lias-Dogger-?Malm) with another to the S (of almost 600 Km2), in which the stratigraphic units prior to the Upper Cretaceous transgression are limited to the Rhaetian – Hettangian. This tectonic phase should be added to the succession of alpine phases, that affected the Central South-Pyrenean Unit in its entirety before the Middle – Upper Eocene. Once again this shows the complex evolution of the south side of the Pyrenean orogen, not adequately explained by simple, generally accepted models.


Tectonics, Jurassic, Upper Cretaceous, Pyrenees, Catalonia, Aragon, Spain


Ullastre, J., Masriera, A., 2007. Deducción de un accidente tectónico anterior al Senoniense en la clusa de Les Conclues (Sierras marginales sudpirenaicas, Huesca-Lleida, España). Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona, 15: 65-80

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